HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco was on hand in Copenhagen, Denmark for the big decision over where to hold the 2016 Olympic Games as a member of the International Olympic Committee. US First Lady Michelle Obama met with the Prince who, like other members, was asked about the recent scandals involving the former Governor of Illinois hurting the chances of Chicago hosting the games. Prince Albert said such things certainly don't help but he did not think it would have much of an impact on the final decision. Something must have stood out though as despite the sales pitch and star power of President Obama and Oprah the city of Chicago failed to get past the very first vote with the prize of hosting the games ultimately going to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. What might have been just another day at the office for Prince Albert was seen as a major embarassment for the Obamas who very much put their personal prestige on the line to win the games for Michelle's hometown. Prince Albert II has been involved with the Olympics, both as an IOC member and as an athlete for many years.

Meanwhile, yesterday in Paris at Descartes University Charlotte Casiraghi kept the environmentalist front in hand for her Uncle Albert where she attended the presentation of a new song titled, "Burning Beds" which was sung by fifty international celebrities against global warming. Presenting the song was former Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan. Certainly no one can fault the Princely Family of Monaco for not drawing attention to environmentalist issues.
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