Following these ceremonies André Muhlberger, director of Public Safety, addressed the assembled company which included the commandant of the Maritime Police Alain van den Corput, director of the Naval Museum Claude Pallanca, Minister of State Michel Roger, President of the National Council Jean-François Robillon, mayor Georges Marsan, Monseigneur Barsi, Colonel Luc Fringant, Fire Commander Tony Varo and director of the Oceanographic Museum Robert Calcagno, a real "who's who" of the leadership in Monaco. I am very glad Charlotte chose to get involved in this way, I always love to see the Casiraghis getting more involved in the national life of Monaco and this was a great way to draw attention to the long and dedicated service of the Monegasque police forces who have done admirable work over the years preventing Monaco from becoming a haven for organized crime as many once predicted. And it goes without saying that Charlie looked great in her police uniform. She could arrest me anytime.
Hi! This is kind of out-of-nowhere but... I stumbled across your blog after a few months of research, trying to find a reference photo. I hope you don't mind me asking, but do you have any idea where I might find a photo or illustration of what a Monaco policeman's uniform would have looked like in the 60s? I've only found traffic and ceremony uniforms, which I'm assuming are different? Straightforward methods have been unsuccessful and looking through Grand Prix accident footage just in hopes of spotting a policeman in the background has been hilariously terrible.
ReplyDeleteI would have e-mailed, but I couldn't find a contact. You seem to be very well-informed so I'm throwing this line out there. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
I wish I could be of more help (and I had planned on doing a post on the police force) but in all my archives I don't find any good photos of the police uniforms of that era. There's a fair bit on the Princely Rifles but even what photos I've seen of the police in the 60's you really cannot tell much of the details of their uniforms. Most of the photographs that show them show them on escort duties wherein they are mostly hidden behind the windshields of their motorcycles. You might have get a better idea from videos of the wedding and such events. Then again, like the photos I have, they are all in black and white and so just look mostly black and you cannot tell any details at all. I'm sure you already checked the website (http://www.police.gouv.mc/) but I think there's only one rather small photo of some motorcycle cops from the early 60's.
ReplyDeleteI guess that specific uniform remains elusive. I will keep searching. Thank you for your prompt and considerate response!