
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Boy for Charlotte

The official announcement has been handed down. Yesterday at the Princess Grace Hospital Charlotte Casiraghi was delivered of a healthy baby boy, named Raphael. Both parents are said to be doing fine and there was even a joke worked in about the "grandmas doing well", a reference to HRH Princess Caroline being a grandmother twice over now. Congratulations to the new parents on their little bundle of joy and we hope Raphael will be revealed to the world soon.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Baby Anticipation in Monaco

 The time is getting close for expecting mother Charlotte Casiraghi. Although official outlets are keeping quiet since, as Charlotte likes to point out, she has no title and is "only" the niece of a head of state, a special room has been reserved in the Princess Grace Hospital, traditional birthplace of Grimaldis since the days of Prince Rainier and Princess Grace. The time is drawing close.
Charlotte's 'baby daddy' (who is already a father) has also made arrangements to be close when the time comes. The actor/comedian is ending his latest tour with a performance in the Principality of Monaco so that, when the big day comes, he can quickly rush to the side of his girlfriend.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Princess Charlene Keeping Busy

 On Tuesday afternoon this week, HSH Princess Charlene attended the opening of the "Monte-Carlo Munchkins Club" for the care of children.

 Tuesday morning HSH Princess Charlene attended the official opening of the first "Starbucks" coffee shop franchise in the Principality of Monaco.

And on Tuesday night HSH Princess Charlene met with "Soweto Gospel Choir" from South Africa at the Grimaldi Forum, sponsored by Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The group has won many awards around the world including more than one Grammy in the United States.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Highland Style in Monaco

To commemorate St Andrew's Day, the national day honoring the patron saint of Scotland, HSH Prince Albert II and HSH Princess Charlene attended a special gala dinner at the Hermitage organized by the 'House of Scotland'. Also on hand was Charles Maclean, patron of the Monte Carlo Whiskey Society and other whiskey experts in Monaco for a conference. As some may know, the Sovereign Prince of Monaco is not without Scottish connections as his great-great grandmother, Lady Mary Victoria Douglas-Hamilton was born in the family palace of the Dukes of Hamilton in South Lanarkshire, Scotland. She was the wife (for a time) of Prince Albert I and mother of Prince Louis II who was the grandfather of Prince Rainier III.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Happy National Day!

 A happy National Day to the Principality of Monaco and Long Live the Prince! For a little background information, National Day has been celebrated since 1857 on 19th November, the feast day of St Rainier, patron of the first sovereign lord of Monaco, Rainier I. It was established as the official national holiday by HSH Prince Charles III.
St Rainier, pray for us

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Princess Charlene, Ambassador

Recently, HSH Princess Charlene of Monaco was named Ambassador for "Peace and Sport", a cause the Sovereign Prince himself has long supported. Their goal is foster greater friendship and cooperation through athletics and sporting events around the world.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013

Pauline, Growing Up Fast

While Prince Albert II was addressing the United Nations General Assembly and Princess Charlene was hanging out with Michelle Obama, Pauline Ducruet was taking in Paris Fashion Week which, being a fashion student, was perfectly appropriate for her. Pauline is currently in her second year of study at the Instituto Marangoni in Paris and she managed to take at least some of the attention off the models on the runway. Already 19-years old, as impossible to believe as that seems, Pauline seems more gorgeous each time she is seen. Of course, with Princess Stephanie's genes in her, that is hardly surprising. We wish her all the best in her studies as a future fashionista.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Prince Albert in Wyoming

Last Thursday, September 19, H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco was in Cody, Wyoming, to celebrate the centenary of the visit of his great-great grandfather Prince Albert I. His predecessor on the Monegasque throne had visited the area in his time, guided by "Buffalo Bill" Cody himself (as you read about here last year when this visit was first announced).  Today's Sovereign Prince presented the first prize to two American scientists, Arthur Middleton and Joe Riis in recognition of their work. The award was named the 'Camp Monaco Prize' in honor of the previous expedition of Prince Albert I in which their hunting camp was named "Camp Monaco". As you can see in the photo above, that name was carved on a nearby tree and that portion of the tree has been preserved in honor of the occasion when a Prince of Monaco first came to the wild west state of Wyoming in 1913.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Monegasque Family Picnic

Yes, the Monegasque family picnic was held again at Antoinette park and TSH Prince Albert II, Princess Charlene, HRH Princess Caroline and Baroness de Massy and daughter Melanie de Massy were all on hand. It was great to see them but most of all, especially after my melancholy mood from last week, Princess Charlene looked positively adorable in Monegasque national dress. I love this! Our lovely South African princess really showed she makes a fine Monegasque lady and is united with her people-by-marriage. My only quibble is that, unlike past years, the Sovereign Prince did not dress the part this year. Why not join your Princess consort and go "all Monegasque all the way"? Still, a big cheer and thumbs up to Princess Charlene on her fashion choice for this occasion. It was touching and the Princess looked magnificent. Great job!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Less Glamorous Monaco?

Has Monaco become a somewhat less glamorous place than it used to be. Does it seem like there is a little of that old sparkle missing these days. Here are my thoughts on Glamorous Monaco, feel free to tell me yours.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Andrea is Married

Saturday (as in yesterday), a little before noon, Andrea Casiraghi and Tatiana Santo Domingo were married in a civil ceremony near the water in Monaco, witnessed by about 400 special guests (no cameras please) followed by a reception in the gardens of the Princely Palace. A religious wedding is also planned but will be several months from now in the bride's native Switzerland. So, congratulations to the happy couple and to their little son Sasha who, being legitimized by this union, officially takes his place in the line of succession to the Monegasque throne. My only problem with that is that there still has not even been an official birth announcement from the palace. Now, I realize, we were warned ahead of time that this wedding would be a very low-key, private affair but, really, there wasn't even a wave from the balcony by the happy couple. I also remain at a loss as to why Andrea has no official title. Look at it this way; think about all of the (valid and deserved) fuss and fanfare over the birth of little Prince George of Cambridge. Now, consider for a moment that, until Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene do their duty, little Sasha is just as close in the line of succession to a throne, one of the oldest in the world at this point, as baby Prince George is. And yet, very little coverage of the birth, not much for more the wedding of his parents and both father and son remain, legally, commoners. That just doesn't seem right. Anyway, perhaps it will be remedied in the future, perhaps they know something we do not. Not to sound impatient or anything but, of course, this whole picture changes if the Sovereign Prince and his Princess consort give us an heir to the throne...

Friday, August 30, 2013

Princess Caroline Crew at St Tropez

Princess Caroline and family have been on vacation in St Tropez, resting up for Andrea's upcoming wedding perhaps. In any event, Charlotte was out and about and the photos taken should dispel any doubts about her pregnancy being 'just a rumor'. It looks pretty definite to me...

Friday, August 23, 2013

Princess Grace, Hometown Girl

HSH Princess Grace of Monaco became a famous and beloved figure all around the world first as a movie star and later as the princess consort of one of the oldest monarchies on earth. However, in her own hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania she is still known as the local girl who made it big. A reminder of that, and how Princess Grace never lost her connection with her native city, will be coming to Philadelphia. On Thursday at the Hotel Monaco in the 'City of Brotherly Love' officials announced an upcoming exhibit dedicated to Princess Grace called "Grace Kelly: Beyond the Icon" which will focus on her childhood, early film career and finally her rise to the world of royalty.

Christopher Le Vine, a nephew of Princess Grace, spoke at the event about how his beloved aunt never lost touch with her roots, her family and friends. He also spoke of her love for scrapple, a local Philly dish that is, let us say, a rather acquired taste. It consists of a loaf of pork scraps and cornmeal -hardly the sort of thing one would expect a Princess of Monaco or even a Hollywood movie star to be fond of. Yet, Princess Grace took a sample back to the principality with her so that the chefs at the Princely Palace could recreate the dish in her new home (though one has to wonder what highly skilled masters of French cuisine must have thought of such a thing).

The exhibit will open on October 28 at the James A. Michener Art Museum in Doyelstown, a suburb not far from the Bucks County Playhouse where Princess Grace made her stage debut in 1949. Items that will be on display for the exhibit include clothes, clips of home movies, the Oscar the Princess won for her role in "The Country Girl" as well as love letters from HSH Prince Rainier III. HSH Sovereign Prince Albert II also recorded a special message for the crowd in Philadelphia that was played at the announcement, paying tribute to his late mother and noting how beloved she was by the Monegasque and how much her legacy lives on in Monaco today. She will never be forgotten.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Charlotte Causing a Stir, Andrea Setting a Date

Not a few people (including yours truly) were less than thrilled when Charlotte Casiraghi started getting serious with the Jewish-Moroccan-French actor/comedian Gad Elmaleh, 15 years older than her and already the father of a 12-year old son, but it seems things have only gone further and recently Charlotte has been causing the rumor-mill to go into overdrive. Recent photos of Charlotte have shown what many see as the beginnings of a 'baby bump' and (as seen above) Princess Caroline's youngest was recently spotted shopping for baby clothes. Are they for big brother Andrea's offspring -or one of her own? Charlotte recently celebrated her 27th birthday and has been keeping company with Gad for about eighteen months now. Rumors are thick that the two are already engaged but, if so, there has been no official announcement of it as yet. Still, many are running with the story that Charlotte is expecting a baby and that the two will be married before the year is out. Time will tell if these people are correct.

Meanwhile, August 31 has been named as the date for the wedding of Andrea Casiraghi and Tatiana Santo Domingo. According to the Princely Palace it will be a small, private ceremony. Not long ago the couple welcomed their first child, a boy, to the world; Sacha, Princess Caroline's first grandchild. Will another be far behind?

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Red Cross Ball

 Last Friday (yes, I'm behind a little) was the annual Red Cross ball in the Principality of Monaco, one of the major charitable events of the year hosted by the Princely Family. This year the entertainment was provided by Eros Ramazzotti and, as usual, the Princely couple cut a fine figure on the dance floor.
HSH Princess Charlene was looking good in blue, a good color for a swimmer

HSH Princess Charlene, HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco and HRH Princess Caroline of Hanover, the three biggest names on the scene without question

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Love Ball

 Recently there was a special celebration called the "Love Ball" at the Opera of Monte Carlo, appropriately attended by TSH Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene. Ms. Natalia Vodianova (of the Naked Heart foundation) organized the event and HRH Princess Caroline of Hanover also attended as part of the proceeds from the evening will go to benefit her charity AMADE.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Princess Charlene Reflects on the Wedding

In a recent interview with the Times HSH Princess Charlene of Monaco talked about married life and even addressed the unpleasantness caused by the slanderous gossip rags on the day of her wedding to the Sovereign Prince. She made clear that all the rumors were "categorical lies" which anyone with half a brain should have known from the start, however, the media being as it is, the Princess had to comment on it. Still, she says her wedding was the best three days of her life and seems rather like a dream when looked back on. She said she still sometimes marvels that the Eagles played at her wedding, one of many indications of how far she has come from the simple, girl-next-door in South Africa where she grew up. However, she admitted that the rumors made things difficult and put extra strain on what was already an immense undertaking -as any royal wedding is bound to be. It must have been extremely difficult for her and the Princess related how, at the end of the ceremony, all the worry, all the joy and all the mixed emotions finally came out and tears started to run down her face, which she immediately realized would be seen by everyone and possibly taken the wrong way. Bless her.

The newest Princess of Monaco also talked about how royal life has been treating her since the big day. She talked about her Princess Charlene Foundation, part of which is devoted to teaching Monegasque and French children how to swim, combining her lifelong passion for swimming with her love of children. It really is a perfect fit and she also talked about the fashion show she organized and her goal of bringing the children of all classes together in various ways such as a recent project to have the youngsters design their own school uniforms. In the world of royalty, the Princess of Monaco related that she is very fond of the new Queen Maxima of The Netherlands. Also coming from outside of Europe and marrying into an old royal house, the two have some things in common and Princess Charlene said that the Dutch Queen has been "unbelievably supportive if I need anything". When asked, the Princess also had nothing but kind words for the Duchess of Cambridge and praise for how well she has handled herself since becoming part of the British Royal Family. Since the Duchess is due to give birth shortly this, of course, prompted a question about future children for the Prince and Princess of Monaco. She said that because the two travel so much it is something that will take time, that she is not putting any pressure on herself (good to hear) but that "it will happen". We will be waiting eagerly.