
Friday, September 13, 2013

Monegasque Family Picnic

Yes, the Monegasque family picnic was held again at Antoinette park and TSH Prince Albert II, Princess Charlene, HRH Princess Caroline and Baroness de Massy and daughter Melanie de Massy were all on hand. It was great to see them but most of all, especially after my melancholy mood from last week, Princess Charlene looked positively adorable in Monegasque national dress. I love this! Our lovely South African princess really showed she makes a fine Monegasque lady and is united with her people-by-marriage. My only quibble is that, unlike past years, the Sovereign Prince did not dress the part this year. Why not join your Princess consort and go "all Monegasque all the way"? Still, a big cheer and thumbs up to Princess Charlene on her fashion choice for this occasion. It was touching and the Princess looked magnificent. Great job!

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