
Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Less Glamorous Monaco?

Has Monaco become a somewhat less glamorous place than it used to be. Does it seem like there is a little of that old sparkle missing these days. Here are my thoughts on Glamorous Monaco, feel free to tell me yours.


  1. i, sadly, agree. the family is still beautiful, but their lifestyles have degenerated into something honey boo boo would find embarrassing. lots of marriages, lots of pregnancies (not necessarily together, or in that order), social events which seem too closely tied to commercial ventures, clothes which are too "designer" and not enough lovely or elegant.

    beauty and titles just aren't enough.

  2. I too agree, sadly... isn't it a shame? I feel like there is very little left of the Monaco that Princess Grace and Prince Rainier left behind. I wonder what Princess Grace would think of it all. I personally feel like Monaco has lost most of it's glamour over the last few years... Such a shame! Princess Grace was and will always be one of great loves of my life, she's an inspiration an Icon, her shoes are impossible to fill...

  3. Not so much less glamorous, as less regal. Perhaps more in keeping with today's world, at least in their part of it. Albert looks more like an American businessman rather than a European aristocrat; Charlene looks great but yes, should wear more jewelry at least. Caroline is regal and glamorous and I think she is perfect as a modern (mini) royal. Her children? at this point it would cause comment to give them titles, it would reflect on Albert and Charlene I think. (speaking of Casiraghis)
    I am not so sure A and C will have children actually, who knows? Anyway, no one is worried for now!
    Princess Grace looked very regal but I always remember she started as an actress when I see some of the pictures with tiaras, etc. so they did great with appearances back then but I think the reality is not much different now. That's my 2 cents!

    1. I agree and that is a good way of putting it, 'not so much less glamorous as less regal'. That is exactly what I was trying to convey. So far, most have been rather more harsh than I would be. The family are all good, lovely people but these days it just seems that there is not quite the sense of history and tradition that there used to be.
