
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Andrea is Married

Saturday (as in yesterday), a little before noon, Andrea Casiraghi and Tatiana Santo Domingo were married in a civil ceremony near the water in Monaco, witnessed by about 400 special guests (no cameras please) followed by a reception in the gardens of the Princely Palace. A religious wedding is also planned but will be several months from now in the bride's native Switzerland. So, congratulations to the happy couple and to their little son Sasha who, being legitimized by this union, officially takes his place in the line of succession to the Monegasque throne. My only problem with that is that there still has not even been an official birth announcement from the palace. Now, I realize, we were warned ahead of time that this wedding would be a very low-key, private affair but, really, there wasn't even a wave from the balcony by the happy couple. I also remain at a loss as to why Andrea has no official title. Look at it this way; think about all of the (valid and deserved) fuss and fanfare over the birth of little Prince George of Cambridge. Now, consider for a moment that, until Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene do their duty, little Sasha is just as close in the line of succession to a throne, one of the oldest in the world at this point, as baby Prince George is. And yet, very little coverage of the birth, not much for more the wedding of his parents and both father and son remain, legally, commoners. That just doesn't seem right. Anyway, perhaps it will be remedied in the future, perhaps they know something we do not. Not to sound impatient or anything but, of course, this whole picture changes if the Sovereign Prince and his Princess consort give us an heir to the throne...

1 comment:

  1. I'm from the states and monaco has always been my favorite royal family. Ever. It's been so disappointing over the years trying to find anything about them. A paper clipping even. This killed me when I was a teen. I adored princess Stephanie's and still do (I'm her age). I love her attitude and there was hardly ever anything written about her. I guess size matters.
