
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Swim in the Sea

Sunday morning it was time for another famous Monaco Christmas tradition -the "Christmas Bath". Again this year, at Larvotto Beach, HSH Prince Albert II joined the crowd in taking a dip in the frigid sea. It was all very 'tribal' with drums beating and chants being shouted, driving out all thought of the cold. The Prince of Monaco came out to mingle with the assembled participants and pose for a few photographs before everyone stripped down to their swimwear and made a mad dash for the Mediterranean. After taking the plunge (and a dew more quick photos) it was time for an even faster mad dash back to the waiting warmth. Everyone looked to be having fun, but I cannot imagine how. If your humble blogger was ever forced to do such a thing (for I would never do it willingly) I have no doubt I would die as soon as I touched the water. Bbbbrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!

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