
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Prince Albert on Royals at the Olympics

HSH Prince Albert II was in his element at the London Olympic games and he obviously had a great time, whether alongside Princess Charlene who cheered wildly for her native South Africa or among the crowd being cracked up by the Duchess of Cambridge. The Sovereign Prince made a point of saying how glad he was that so many members of the British Royal Family were on the scene for the Olympic games. As the Prince told an interviewer, "You see a very touching side to them that you probably wouldn't under other circumstances. That can only bring them closer to the people. I think it's wonderful that they are so involved, that they show such support to the British athletes and the Games themselves." The Sovereign Prince also admitted to getting very emotionally involved in some of the competitions, because of the personal stories of some of the athletes or because they are people the Prince knows well. Since he has competed himself in the Olympics, the Prince was asked about other royals or royal relatives being in competition and if, perhaps, they had an extra advantage in their family connections. An example raised was the team Silver medal won by the British equestrian team which includes Princess Royal Anne's daughter. Prince Albert was quick to dismiss any such notion, "Sport is the great leveler and there's no special treatment for anybody. You have to prove yourself. For Zara Phillips and her team-mates it's incredible."

1 comment:

  1. I loved, loved, loved, watching the Duchess shoot the breeze with the Grimaldis.

    I have been following and discussing that in length over at The Duchess Kate Blog

    This is what brings people closer together and it just warms my heart as always.
