
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Pierre's Legal Counter-Punch

Life has been going on for Pierre Casiraghi since all the trouble in New York. He attended the Cannes film festival, had a nice vacation with family and his lovely Beatrice on the Pacha III, took in some athletics competitions with his uncle Albert and recently was part of the 'Classic Sailing Week' in Cadiz, Spain. However, while Hock (the guy who smashed his face) has pled "not guilty" and goes ahead for trial, it was recently made known that Pierre is suing the owner of the place where it all happened, the Double Seven club in the now elite old Meat Packing District of the Big Apple. Jeffrey Jah, owner of the club, is being sued for negligence for serving alcohol to the visably intoxicated Adam Hock before he attacked Pierre and his friends. As usual, Hock's lawyers say it was he who was attacked by Pierre and his friends but, also as usual, that sounds a little odd considering Hock left in a police car and Pierre left in an ambulance. Hock hardly seems like the injured party here and, although the lawsuite has raised a few eyebrows, bar owners are not supposed to serve alcohol to people who are already drunk and many have been held accountable in civil court cases in the United States for doing so, particularly if the drunk person went on to commit a more serious crime like injuring someone in a drunk driving accident or, let's say, getting in a drunken brawl with someone half their size and nearly breaking their jaw. Just for an example. Still, I can see where this might be a little controversial. Should it have stayed only with the case of New York against Hock or is Pierre justified in this new civil case? Can he expect justice or should he have just left it alone? Either way, it will be for the court to decide.

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