
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Charlene's Turtle Tuesday

HSH Princess Charlene of Monaco was sportin' a new "do" in the strong winds on the roof of the Oceanographic Institute on Tuesday as she opened a new area called "Turtle Island". The new inhabitants are seven large African turtles HSH Prince Albert II brought back from his visit to Mali earlier this year, a gift from President Amadou Toumani Toure. The Princess consort unveiled a large stone marker, naming the new area, and despite the high winds seemed to have a good time talking with the crowd of children in attendance and playing with the turtles. That is, I think, the best thing about the new Turtle Island, sure to make it a favorite with visiting children (or tactile adults like yours truly); which is that it is not one of those exhibits where one can look but must not touch. This is an interactive area where visitors can actually handle the turtles, which always leaves a bigger impression.

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