
Monday, January 2, 2012

The Prince's New Years Address

This past year has certainly been exceptional for Princess Charlene and myself. On the occasion of our marriage, we witnessed the strong union between the community and our family of Monaco.

Tonight I am here to express, on behalf of us both, our hope that each of you, I remember this shared joy.

While around us, several countries are or are marked by a financial crisis, severe economic and social, the dynamism of the Principality allows us to resist.In this delicate situation, particularly wise management of public finances is necessary to integrate the constraints on us, while preserving our social model and our growth prospects. That is why we must make balanced choices, reasonable and fair.

Do not lose sight of that in situations of economic crisis that the urgency of solidarity is strongest to protect against stress. The holiday season is a special time of reunion for families and between generations.

These periods also sensitizes us to the values of tolerance, respect for others and cultural diversity. It is my wish that Monaco remains a model of “living together” based on a common set of values.

Tonight, my thoughts especially go to our community experienced the death, illness or loneliness. I also want to provide my warm encouragement to our young people who embody the future. We believe in their imagination, their ideals, their will, their capacity for hard work and generosity.

Women and men who work, invest or choose to live among us, I hope that their contribution to our country brings them, in turn, an authentic personal development.

To one and all, in the Principality or who are away but remaining near in heart, I say again with confidence: “Happy New Year!”

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