
Monday, November 14, 2011

Princess Stephanie - The Latest

Princess Stephanie news! It has been far too long since I’ve been able to say anything about my dear Princess Steph. First, we will start out on the lighter side. I would not have found it humorous myself but, I suppose after everything Stephanie has been through over the years you just sort of get used to it after a while. Recently, our Princess Stephanie along with her daughter Camille and one of Camille’s little friends (which I probably shouldn’t say anymore considering how fast they are growing up) were on their autumn vacation at Steph’s favorite (it is probably safe to say) island retreat of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. Well, as usual, the prying eyes of the paparazzi were not far beyond and they snapped some photos of the girls in their swimwear and, how to put it… Stephanie in just half of her swimwear. Yeah, not the first time, and when you’re from the Riviera this is so not a big deal, but of course some will have to roll their eyes at it. I will not, of course, be posting any paparazzi pics here but, just let me say, Princess Stephanie, 46 or not, has absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Moving along, moving along…the really funny part was when the Grimaldi girls all noticed they were being photographed. Princess Stephanie covered up of course but Camille could not resist making some funny faces at the camera, though she ended with a smile and a peace sign -just to show the tabloid trash they weren’t getting her down. You go Camille!

In more serious news, on Saturday, Princess Stephanie of Monaco was at Port Hercules to start the “No Finish Line” charity foot race which will run until this upcoming Sunday. This is held every year by the Children & Future Charity and raises money for other charitable causes as well, including Stephanie’s own organization Fight AIDS Monaco. I did not see any pictures of her actually starting the race, let us hope she was not as intimidated by the starting pistol as last year. (Stephanie doesn’t like guns!)