
Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Princely Wedding -At Last!

 Princess Charlene, in her Armani gown, escorted in by her father -who was watching his step as the Sovereign Prince eagerly awaits the arrival of his bride.

 Prince Albert and Princess Charlene -a couple that prays together, stays together.

Albert gives a little reassurance to his princess

"One more for the road sugar"

Prince Albert was dashing in white summer uniform and the flower girls in traditional Monegasque costume were, I think, a great touch and did exactly as they were supposed to. An event for everyone.

The "Green Prince" and his new Princess hop in their environmentally friendly car (which runs off electricity generated by pixie dust) for a spin around the Principality to see and be seen on their way to the Chapel of St Devote where Princess Charlene will offer her flowers to the saint as Princess Grace once did.

Princess Charlene got a little emotional at the chapel, not surprising for what has been the most important couple of days of her life, a time, she has said, she will cherish forever.

Her Serene Highness Princess Charlene of Monaco
Vive l'Princesse!


  1. Charlene looked beautiful but a little sad, Perhaps she was nervous. Excellent pictures!

  2. 'etait un mariage vraiment merveilleux,Charlene etait belle,digne et tres douce. Elle avait un bijou sur le chignon,mais sait-on sa provenance?

  3. Actually, those little girls were not flower girls at all. They were bridesmaids.
