
Friday, July 22, 2011

The Media and Angry Albert!

Forgive the out-of-place photo, but it is the only one I have with our Albie wearing a frown. The Sovereign Prince, known throughout his life as possibly the nicest guy on the planet is fed up with the media 'tempest in a teapot' over all the ugly rumors they have publicized regarding his marriage. The Prince and Princess of Monaco just got back from their honeymoon (which was in Mozambique -a surprise destination even Princess Charlene was not aware of) and yet from their civil wedding day, religious wedding day, the IOC trip to South Africa and the honeymoon all anyone has been able to talk about are all the rumors put out about the Prince and Princess. Runaway bride, paternity tests, a "fake" marriage -we have heard them all, all of them from "anonymous sources", all of them impossible to verify, all of them denied by the Palace, the Prince, the Princess and the Wittstock family. Who could blame even the famously "nice guy" Prince of Monaco for finally saying enough is enough?

Upon returning to the palace on the rock, Albert II met with three French journalists to voice his disapproval of the treatment he and his new princess consort have been subjected to. To quote angry Albert:

We want to express our indignation at these rumors… It’s unbearable. What’s regrettable is that the media pick up these rumours without verifying the information…We are honestly feeling aggrieved by the current rumours. It is simply not acceptable anymore.

I find that unworthy on the part of your colleagues. I’ve always respected freedom of expression. But publishing false information is lamentable and subject to criminal penalties.

Such feelings are completely understandable and any who would be critical of the Prince on this occasion should ask themselves what they would do in his place. Given that, again, all of these ugly rumors that have been so carelessly splashed across the headlines of the world have had no named sources, no specific timeline to test against who we know to have been where and when and in short have presented no evidence to back them up and no specific information with which to verify the stories, I would certainly feel the same way as Prince Albert. You had your fun in trying to ruin a special day for two people, their families and the Principality of Monaco, at this point, it's time to put up or shut up. It should not be up to the Prince and Princess to disprove these rumors, it is the responsibility of those making the accusations to present the evidence to back them up. Otherwise this is simply slander and harassment.

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