
Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Camille!

It was on this day in 1998 that Camille Marie Kelly Gottlieb was born to HSH Princess Stephanie of Monaco at the Princess Grace Hospital in Monte Carlo. She officially enters her teenage years today as she turns 13-years-old. Princess Stephanie said long ago that she wanted her children kept out of the public glare and to have as normal and private a life as possible and she seems to have done an excellent job at that. Daniel, Pauline and Camille may not be part of the fashion show & charity gala jet-set like their Casiraghi cousins but they have also been spared the constant media scrutiny of the Casiraghi Trio and seem like quite a happy and well adjusted little family. Camille did make a very nice appearance at the recent wedding of her uncle Albert and in the picture shown I see more than a trace of her mother and grandfather Rainier in her face. A lovely girl and we wish her a very happy birthday with many, many more to come. I think Princess Stephanie has been a very good mother and seeing Camille at 13 is living proof of that. A fine girl. Congratulations and happy birthday!

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