
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Favorite Princely Images: Cutie Steph


  1. Stephanie looks so much like Charlotte in this photo.

  2. I remember this photo which appeared on Life Magazine, accompanying an article on the Princely Family months after Princess Grace died. It also featured a beautiful solo picture of older sister Caroline. This was in the Chateau du Marchais. It was striking to see Prince Rainier's melancholy too which will never leave him til he died.

  3. I see that too, probably the influence of Princess Charlotte who most agree Caroline and Stephanie got much of their looks from.

  4. I hate that this might sound critical, but Stephanie's daughters, who are pretty in their own right, are not as beautiful as their mom in her youth/prime. Caroline and Charlotte I would say are equals.

  5. Definitely one of my faves of Stéphanie, as well. In the few years after this, her image became more severe-looking to me. With her hair so short and her body fat reduced to almost nothing but stringy muscle, she could cut a very androgynous, though alluring, figure. Her eyes could look haunted and melancholy, even when she was trying to look happy.

  6. If that's a compliment, I'd hate to hear an insult.

  7. *Blush* No, honestly, I didn't intend to sound rude at all toward Stéphanie. I was reflecting on how she looked here, in 1983, in comparison to how drastically she altered her appearance in '84-'85. No, no, I LIKE how she looked then... I've always liked her looks, no matter what age. The hauntedness (or what I perceived as being haunted, I'm probably wrong) I mentioned gives depth to her pictures. It makes her lovely and memorable.

  8. I agree, 'haunted' is probably the word I would use. You see her and you can just tell there's alot going on behind those eyes.
