
Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Blue Drawing Room

The Louis XV Drawing Room or, as it is probably better known today, the Blue Stateroom is so named because of the blue brocade and gold color theme and the portraiture associated with King Louis XV of France. There is a representative painting of King Louis XV done by Francois StiƩmart which is a copy of one by Jean-Baptiste Vanloo which hangs at the palace of Versailles in France. There is also another painting copied by StiƩmart of Marie Leczinska (then Queen consort to Louis XV) and both of these were given to HSH Prince Antoine I by His Most Christian Majesty King Louis XV. There are also portraits of Prince Honore III and his sister Princess Charlotte done when they were children and a portrait of Prince Antoine I by Dominique-Joseph Bressan. There is another famous painting, called the Bourgignon, which is a battle scene painted by Jacques Courtois. Also, still in the military theme, is a painting called the Triumph of Galateus which is believed to have been painted by Annibale Carracci of Bologne. Not forgetting the family, there is also a painting of Princess Caroline done in 1878 by Marie Veroust and two smaller paintings representing spring and autumn.

The Blue Stateroom is between the Officer’s Hall and the Throne Room. Venetian chandeliers of Murano glass decorate the room which is used for official receptions.

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