
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rose Ball 2011

Yesterday was the annual Rose Ball to benefit the Princess Grace Foundation. Usually one of the highlights of social life in Monaco, this year a bit of a cloud hung over the celebration due to the passing of HSH Princess Antoinette who was once a regular feature on the arm of her nephew Prince Albert. Because of this, Princess Caroline, Prince Albert and Charlene were absent, as was the de Massy clan of course. However, the Casiraghi trio came through and represented the Grimaldi family for the event. The theme this year was Motown, the 'title' MOnaco TOWN. Alex, Beatrice and Tatiana were on hand supporting their respective Casiraghis. Other famous faces included Dame Shirley Bassey, Donatella Campioni de Filippo, Eugenie Niarchos, Margherita Missoni, singer VV Brown, Belgian racer Jacky Ickx, Prince Charles and Princess Camilla of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and The Temptations.
Andrea, supported by Pierre and Charlotte delivered a special tribute to Princess Antoinette. The Casiraghis left before the festivities started as a show of respect for their late great-aunt.

Obligatory pic of Charlotte

The ball was held at Sporting Monte Carlo

The decorations all reflect the Motown theme, chosen by Princess Caroline.


  1. First of all congratulations for your Blog. I'm enjoying it very much.

    I might be alone in this but I loved the way the Casiraghi Trio handled this year's Rose Ball. I always say that they spruce up like no one.

  2. Thank you, and I completely agree. I was *extremely* impressed by them this year. They always add some high-class "style" to such functions but this time we saw more. They stepped up in a time of sorrow for the family, did their duty with just the right tone and I think showed that they could carry off the job of royalty were they to ever be titled. They seemed more grown-up (for lack of a better word).

  3. The Casiraghi siblings showed a lot of class and maturity in dealing with an awkward situation -- a prestigious ball the night after a member of the family passed away. It also helped that they did not stay the entire night, leaving after Andrea spoke to the crowd.

    Not that I expected her to be there for this year's ball, but I wonder why Princess Stephanie doesn't show up in the Rose Ball? She is always presumed absent in the Rose Ball, and expected to be present for the Red Cross one.
