
Friday, January 14, 2011

Sister's Seal of Approval

According to a story yesterday in People magazine, HSH Princess Stephanie of Monaco fully approves of her big brother's choice of wife. In an interview with Le Parisien newspaper Princess Stephanie said that she and Charlene have, "very, very good relations. I couldn't dream of a better sister-in-law". It is worth noting that Princess Stephanie and Prince Albert have always been very close, though Steph also told the paper she is not directly involved in any of the wedding plans; a smart move without doubt. When asked if her brother or sister-in-law-to-be had come to her for any advice the Princess admitted with a smile, "Well, no. But that's okay".

According to her, the Prince and Charlene, "are taking care of it all," and when asked of her part in things Steph said, "Me? I'm planning on enjoying this great moment of happiness for my country, my brother and for all the Monégasque people."

The Princess went on to say, "I'm very happy for him. Like all little sisters, I want to see my brother happy. It's a demonstration of their love and happiness that I'm seeing, which has been theirs for a while now."

Of course, as with any press encounter for Princess Stephanie, it seems no one can resist asking about her rather colorful past along with her current, extensive, charity work. They of course have to point out the two divorces, the "wild child" image, all the tabloid scandals and so on but, Steph kept her cool saying, "I don't regret a second of my life, good or bad, because they've made me the woman I am today. And I'm comfortable with her." That's our Stephanie, and that's why we love her.


  1. Stephanie showed a lot of class and composure in that article.

    Her support for Charlene also manifests her gratitude for her brother who has stuck with her and has never been critical of her and her lifestyle. I do hope that both women would be supportive of one another and their causes.

    Also commendable was her response to the query about facial plastic surgery -- that's when she mentioned about being comfortable in her own skin and being proud of her journeys and experiences good or bad.

  2. This is hopeful news. I wish the family all the best.

  3. Here's wishing too that Stephanie's children attend the wedding. I say that because they have not been visible in official events besides the Circus Festival.

  4. I hope they do as well and they might since it is a family event as well as a national one. As for standard official events, no one should expect them to attend. Princess Stephanie has purposely chosen to keep them out of the public glare and given them as 'normal' a life as possible. And that's okay. When it comes to elite parties, fashion shows, charity galas and film festivals, well, that's what the Casiraghis are for.

  5. I agree -- sorry to digress, but Caroline's children do have that spark that represent their family glamorously. Besides, they have led pretty public lives at this point that they're presumably used to the paparazzi and tabloid articles. But Stephanie's children still can benefit from being shielded from unnecessary publicity.

  6. While I am sure that the Princess was sincere, is anyone surprized at what she said. She couldn't say anything except that she was happy for them. The Princess knows how the game is played and isn't going to do anything to hurt her brother. Don't you think that Princess Caroline would say the same thing? What I would like to see is Charlene coming out and apologizing for her earlier comments. Although by this article, you might consider that one of Charlene's two friends in Monaco is Princess Stephanie.


  7. Stephanie certainly isn't the judgmental type. I'm sure Albert never spoke out of turn on Steph's choice of men. Based on what she has said in the past I'm sure Caroline would be supportive of any woman Albert chose to marry as she's said before she would like nothing better than for him to marry and so get 'the monkey' off of her back.
