
Monday, September 6, 2010

Marriage for Charlotte?

It's that time again -time for more speculation about a marriage between Charlotte Casiraghi and longtime boyfriend Alex Dellal, this time via the "Telegraph" and a quote from Alice Dellal (model and brother of Alex) who said at a recent fashion show, "They are not engaged ... yet. But they have been together for years, so it is a possibility". That was enough to set the tongues of the chattering class wagging, even though we have seen this same line raised time and time again with no engagement. I will not lie, I have always though Charlotte could do better than Alex so keep that in mind -there's always been something about him that rather put me off. That being said, Charlotte must see something in him. They have been living together for quite some time now, dating for a number of years beyond that and she gives every appearance of being quite devoted to him. However, as usual, I cannot believe we will be hearing wedding bells any time soon. Why would they? They have already been living together as a couple for some time so there is no closer relationship they would gain by marriage other than increased media scrutiny and do take such a step now would probably be seen as ill-timed given the upcoming marriage of Charlie's uncle Albert next year. If that day comes I will of course wish them all the best but I will not be expecting a wedding announcement any time soon.


  1. I think they will get married after they have decided they want babies, because now they are almost like married. So this will be the reason, in my opinion.
    I don't like Alex so much, I prefer Felix.

  2. In addition, I was considering that, even if they live like a married couple, to do not irritate the Catholic Church, soon or later they must get married.
    I think also that, for priority's reasons, the niece cannot get married before the uncle.

  3. That is what I would think. To do so now would seem like competing for the spotlight with Charlene and I don't think they would do that. The fact that Albert and Charlene held off their announcement until after Crown Princess Victoria's wedding shows that the Grimaldis are sensitive to such things.

  4. I think that we could also start considering the wedding of Andrea e Tatiana, after the one of the uncle, in spite of there are no news on newspapers.

  5. Dearest Charlotte and Alex,
    I wish you the best and I'm anxiously expect to hear about your marriage!
    Kisses from your friend, Mania/ Greece
