
Thursday, June 24, 2010

MM Video: Albert and Charlene - Engaged


  1. Do you think is it possible and is it allowed that Princess Alexandra becomes Catholic in the future?

  2. Anything is possible. If her parents divorce Princess Caroline may want to have her children religiously united or she may decide on her own one day to convert, though that would mean she loses her place in the British line of succession. However, I would tend to doubt it, just in my view, I don't think it would be considered important enough to make an issue out of it, there would probably be some fuss because of the promise to have her raised Protestant (not that it seems to have much of an impact one way or another on how children live their lives these days). But, again, anything is possible.

  3. Thank you for your answer and excuse me: I have posted my comment under the wrong post! I would have liked to post it under the one of June 25, not June 24! :P

  4. No problem, it was partly my fault anyway. I saw the double post and deleted the wrong one. It would be so much more convenient if it would show what post each comment relates to but alas...

  5. I told you that the white coat at last week's wedding was for priactive being a groom. I'm glad the Prince is happy. We all deserve to find our one and only.


  6. You called it. I was really taken by surprise I have to say. I expected it to come some time (like maybe when Albie is a really old man like Louis II did) but I was expecting some hints like Charlene taking French lessons or converting to Catholicism. But, that's Monaco for you -what can you count on in a country where even taxes are not certain?
