
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Busy Days for the Grimaldis

The last few days have been busy for the Sovereign Prince. On February 2 in the courtyard of the Princely Palace, HSH Prince Albert II attended the ceremonious change of leadership of the Monegasque fire brigade. Tony Varo took command of the "sapeurs-pompiers" and said becoming commander was a lifelong dream since he became a cadet at age 12 (Varo is now 44). A faithful Monegasque, upon his elevation he was quoted as saying, "I am proud to serve the Sovereign".

From February 3-5, the Grimaldi Forum hosted an international 3D Market for professionals called "Imagina 2010". HSH Prince Albert II visited, looking over the exhibits, talking to the people involved and trying things out for himself on February 4. The same day the Sovereign Prince also presented a film to the children of the St Charles school about his expedition to Antarctica. He even wore his special suit from the journey and brought some of his gear to show the students. Before departing he left a film about ecology; "Il faudrait qu'on devienne tous écolos (We all have to become ecologists)".

Also on the 4th Prince Albert and big sister Princess Caroline toured a special photograph exhibit, one of the first times the Princess of Hanover has been seen lately on 'Princely Family business'. As expected, she looked like her usual glamorous self, displaying again how Princess Caroline always rises to the occasion in spite of adversity.

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