
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Prince Albert's Golden Foot

Yesterday, HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco presented the Golden Foot Award of 2009 to Brazilian soccer player Ronaldo de Assís Moreira, better known as Ronaldinho. The Monegasque monarch has long been a fan of soccer and still plays a game himself now and then for good causes. The Golden Foot Award is intended to honor players who are over 29 years old for their accomplishments across their entire soccer career The award honours a soccer player for his entire carreer, the player has to be above 29 years old. Ronaldinho, who plays for AC Milan, won with 43,755 votes. Coming in second was Real Madrid star Rául and third place went to Thierry Henri.

With the award, Ronaldinho follows into the steps of his countryman Roberto Carlos, who won the award last year. Soccer players from the past, Zibi Boniek, Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, Oleg Blochin and Rene Higuita were also honoured with a golden foot yesterday. The print of the foot of the soccerplayers (in gold) will be placed at the Champions Promenade near Grimaldi Forum of Monte Carlo.

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