
Friday, September 18, 2009

Current Grimaldi Goings On

First off, on the rumors of marital trouble between the Prince and Princess of Hanover, the Princely Palace has said that the talk is simply tabloid speculation with no facts to back them up. I wish I could say that puts my mind at ease but all too often denials from the Palace do not seem to last long. I hope they are right but it still looks a little dubious with Princess Caroline living back in Monaco again (though that's always a good thing) and Prince Ernst remains absent. In other news HSH Prince Albert II (seen above) opened a new children's section at the Princess Grace Hospital and inspected newly installed equipment such as a new medical scanner. The Princess Grace Hospital sees more than 5,000 child-patients and the new neonatal unit is set to provide better services and convenience for the patients, parents and staff. That was September 16. Yesterday, the Sovereign Prince attended the presentation of a new film by the Cousteau foundation, shown by Jean Michel Cousteau, called "Return to the Amazon" at the highly esteemed Oceanographic Museum of Monaco. The museum was first opened in 1910 by Sovereign Prince Albert I, noted sailor and oceanographer.

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