
Sunday, June 29, 2014

More Baby News

Making the news last week, in the Principality of Monaco the mother-to-be Princess Charlene has started to show some visible signs of her maternity at recent public engagements. The Sovereign Prince said that they were “thrilled” and “overjoyed” to learn that a baby was on the way for the Grimaldi dynasty. In other baby-related news, the Princely Family was gathered in full force at the royal chapel in the Princely Palace for the baptism of Raphael, son of Charlotte Casiraghi and Gad Elmaleh. What I have not seen in any of the coverage is exactly what the name of the little bundle is. Raphael…what? The couple are not married and have not given many clues that they intend to change that so is he Raphael Casiraghi or Raphael Elmaleh or what? Perhaps some reader in the know will enlighten me on that score. Anyway, all the best to the new little Christian (with the background of the father I wasn’t entirely sure there would be a christening) and pretty much the whole family was there, the Sovereign Prince and Princess, grandmother Princess Caroline, Andrea, Pierre and their significant others, little Princess Alexandra of Hanover (though she is looking quite grown up these days) and Princess Stephanie and her three children. There were, of course, also members of Gad’s family present but I prefer not to think about him more than is absolutely necessary. Charlotte could have done so much better...

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Double the Fun?

Okay, so the word on the street is that the Princely couple may be expecting twins. Is it true? I would like to think so, but I'm biased as twins have tended to run in my family. This rumor came to light from a media figure in South Africa who says he is a friend of Princess Charlene's father who told him the news and he passed it on via Twitter. Yeah. No word from the Palace to confirm this and I would hold off getting too excited until that happens. If and when that confirmation happens, however, I will be properly thrilled. Having twin Grimaldis running around Monaco might just break the adorable meter. So, here's hoping it is true but, again, no point getting too excited until someone in authority says it is so.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Monaco and Spain in Photos

As all probably know by now, His Majesty King Juan Carlos of Spain will be abdicating his throne in favor of his son and heir Prince Felipe of the Asturias. The Spanish Royal Family and the Princely Family of Monaco have been good friends for a long time and this may be an appropriate time to take a look back on the close relationship between Spain and Monaco:
TSH Prince Rainier III & Princess Grace at the Royal Bullring of Seville

HSH Princess Grace with HM Queen Victoria Eugenia
(the Queen was Prince Albert's godmother)

HM King Juan Carlos and HSH Princess Grace

HM Queen Sofia & HSH Princess Grace at Zarzuela Palace

TSH Princess Grace and Prince Rainier III at the
Royal Bullring of Seville

HM King Juan Carlos I & HSH Prince Albert II

HSH Prince Albert II & HRH Prince Felipe of Asturias